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The evolving quality of U.S. food aid—New formulations of fortified blended foods
Q. W. JOHNSON (1). (1) Quican Inc., Rockwood, ON, Canada

Food Aid has been provided by the United States for many decades. Billions of dollars have been invested in the protection of life during conflicts and natural disasters and to enhance the diets of chronically undernourished people in development settings. In 2009 USAID commissioned a review of the quality of food aid which culminated in the publication in 2011 of a report titled "Delivering Improved Nutrition, Recommendations for Changes to U.S. Food Aid Products and Programs" prepared by Tufts University under the terms of a contract with USAID's Office of Food for Peace. These changes have had implications and in some cases, challenges for vendors of fortified blended foods in terms of food ingredients, vitamin and mineral premixes and processing technologies. Under the current fiscal constraints facing the United States, the provision of food aid effectively and economically delivered has become a major priority for the United States Government. This presentation will review the recommendations of the report covering the composition of fortified blended foods, the revisions that have been made to existing products and the introduction of new products. In addition, some of the key processing requirements for the production of fortified blended foods will be discussed. Finally a discussion on the need for revised programming processes and procedures will be provided to demonstrate the importance of effective food aid delivery to the most vulnerable of populations.

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