Cereals & Grains Association
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The relevance of flavor complexity to consumer acceptability of food products
S. HOOGE (1), C. Uy (1), S. Pecore (2) (1) General Mills, Inc., Minneapolis, MN, U.S.A.; (2) P & D Consulting LLC, Pasadena, CA, U.S.A..

It requires a holistic view of the eating experience to deliver food that is sustainably accepted by consumers. Traditional descriptive analysis is often used to interpret consumer responses to food products, which in turn is used to guide reformulation efforts during product development. As descriptive analysis only provides intensity ratings for the singular sensory attributes associated with the products, the complexity of the flavor experienced by consumers is not measured. Ultimately multiple sources of information (e.g., consumer response, complexity profile, descriptive analysis) are required to provide key product insights that maximize development efforts. This presentation will illustrate that optimizing the harmony, balance, and/or blend of flavors in a grain-based product can translate to improved consumer acceptability.