Cereals & Grains Association
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100 Years of Cereal Chemistry, and Counting, Continues to Impact the Baking Industry
T. COGSWELL (1) (1) BakerCogs, Inc., Overland Park, KS, U.S.A..

Last year the AACCI celebrated 100 years of existence. It all started off with a few mill chemists, who agreed that there was a need for standardization of the methods for reporting analytical results, including baking results. The existence of the AACCI can be traced to the need for agreement on the basic analytical methods used. The early meetings of what became the AACC consisted of mill chemists, whose presentations, described different approaches to the determination of common flour constituents, such as moisture, protein and ash content, while provoking debate and criticism at the time. But constructive criticism leads to progress. The importance of this to the industry is emphasized by its extension to the formidable compendium of methods contained in the AACCI Approved Methods. Earlier research reports focused on the role of constituents such as sugar and fiber on flour performance, and the development of a consistent method for baking raised bread. Research on methodology was later extended to the plethora of basic research papers, foremost of which sought to explain the intriguing behavior of the gluten proteins. The first step in that direction was to report on “protein”, rather than “gluten”. Application of this knowledge and research to manufacture consistent grain based foods became the task of the bread and roll bakers. Utilizing the research results to correlate with the attributes consumers had come to expect, good volume, smooth texture and consistent crumb grain. Consistent consumer products from wheat flour that may or may not provide consistent mix time, absorption, ash contest day in and day out. Working to bring the analytical technology developments and the art of baking together for the advancement of the world of baking and cereal chemistry.

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