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Cereal Chem 46:664 - 674.  |  VIEW ARTICLE
Nutrient Composition of Selected Wheats and Wheat Products. IV. Vitamin B-6 Components.

M. M. Polansky and E. W. Toepfer. Copyright 1969 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc. 

The amounts of pyridoxine, pyridoxal, and pyridoxamine have been determined in ten consumer products purchased in ten cities representing five geographical areas of the U.S. Eleven known wheats, and flours and products made from these wheats, also were analyzed. Data for consumer products from the various geographical areas appeared to be consistent for each product. The whole-wheat products contained much higher amounts of vitamin B-6 than the refined products. In the wheat to flour to products studies, durum wheat contained more B-6 (4.3 gamma per g.) than hard or soft wheats (3.4 gamma per g.). In milling the hard and soft wheats to flour, generally 10 to 25% of the B-6 was retained, whereas in milling semolina from durum wheat, about 28% was retained. Pyridoxine accounted for three-fourths of the B-6 in wheat samples, over half in flours, about two-thirds in macaroni, and less than half in baked products. The increase in B-6 in some of the breads and also the change in proportions of the three components from that of flour was probably due to recipe ingredients and possibly to fermentation in the case of breads.

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