AACC International AACC International

doi:10.1094/CFW-54-2-0051 |  VIEW ARTICLE


Changing with the Times

M. E. Camire. AACC Intl. President. Cereal Foods World 54(2):51.

Last fall, we introduced our new Seven Scientific Initiatives. These topics have undergone some minor revisions since the annual meeting, and the Board of Directors has recommended that the topics be reviewed annually along with the strategic plan to ensure their relevancy for our membership. The scope of research performed by our members has changed drastically since our association was founded in 1915, and I expect that it will continue to do so. The Quality of Science Task Force and the Board of Directors envisioned the Seven Scientific Initiatives to be a guide for AACC International’s scientific activities, from the annual meeting program to Cereal Chemistry and our other publications, including those on the Internet. The first initiative, Health and Nutrition, was literally the first idea that came to the task force members’ minds. A quick glance through any issue of Cereal Foods World will confirm that this topic is of high interest to our members, whether professionally or personally.


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